Sunday, October 2, 2011

I am a Mormon

When I first saw this mom's story I cried. When I saw it again, I cried. I don't know what it is about her story. Maybe it's her humor. Maybe it's how loving her husband seems. Maybe it's her honesty in admitting her anger and then her ability to look past that to a profound understanding. Watching this video gave me something to aspire to. Thank you for that,


J E Design Interiors said...

I got on your blog to see when your booty camps were, and then....instead of doing my workout I watched all of these! They are great, thankyou!

Unknown said...


I was having a rough time tonight and found your blog where you've posted my video. Thank you for your sweet comments, you've reminded me to keep focused on that profound understanding I do have, that can bring me peace in moments like these. I've just found out the cancer has come back, and need that peace more than ever. Thanks for the reminder!
