If 'you are what you eat', then this is what I will look like very soon.
Today is the first day of a new health challenge that I am committed to, monetarily as well as emotionally. The rules of this challenge are as follows;
1. Drink 48 ounces of water I feel like I'm drowning
2. 45 minutes of exercise (doesn't have to be consecutive) in the bag
3. No soda or alcohol no sweat
4. No sweets (desserts, pastries, candy, sugary snacks, or cereals), fast food, or unhealthy snacks (chips)
sugar-free alt. are ok kill me now
5. Consume 2 servings of fruits and 2 servings of vegtables getting used to it
6. No eating after 8p.m. I'm changing my bedtime to 8:15.
7. Read 15 minutes of spiritual or uplifting text love this
8. Write in your journal voila!
9. Express specific appreciation, love, or praise to another person great idea
10. Personal goal- each week make a personal goal for everyday (read to kids, organize a
closet, get 8 hours of sleep) This will be a life-changer.
So far, so good. But, 3 months?! Oy, vey!
48oz of H2O? Your not crossing the Sahara, lady. #'s 4 and 6 are the reasons I'd lose and I hate to lose! But, good luck to you. I've noticed how big that pot of cash is growing!
I agree with Sara on #4.....no way! 8 hours of sleep?? I just want 4! The rest sounds pretty good! Good Luck!
The sweets weren't really the hard part for me, it's the water! And the 8 hrs was just a suggestion. I think that's too tough, too.
So funny Bri! I know I'm going to love you for getting me to do this with you...right?
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