Monday, January 4, 2010

Viva, Mexico!!

This morning, I was listening to FOX News on XM, (did I just give up too much info about myself?). The newscaster joked about escaping the East Coast freeze and traveling to Mexico. Well...
I know, the weather here in sunny AZ is beautiful, right now, but a week of sailing down the coast and playing in all of the big Mexican resort cities is even better. So now, the rush begins.
My To Do List for the week looks like this:

~plan and prepare a weeks worth of meals for my kids
~organize the house so that it makes perfect sense to a new sitter
~clean and schedule all the kids' clothes for school
~write down the entire schedule for all 4 kiddos
~get my room ready for someone else to live in it : /
~go cruise-wear shopping! (Does that make me sound like an old lady, or what!)
~paint on a nice glow:)

So..ADIOS, Amigos!


Leigh said...

Wow, a cruise sounds so nice right about now! Good luck with getting the house in order to get away. That's always the WORST part about leaving your kids. Have a great trip.

Brittny said...

Have a wonderful time! Love all the holiday pics!

Shannon said...

How fun! We did that cruise last year and had a blast!