Monday, April 21, 2008

Yet another post about Pat's Run

So fun to see that so many moms were out running this weekend for such a great cause. This was my very first run and I can't begin to express how much fun I had. I am not a runner, so besides just having fun getting away to do something worthwhile, I was proud that I could run under the time that I was shooting for (I ran 9 1/2 minute miles). Sara kicked my butt but, we knew that she would! Good job sister. See you at the next one!


Natalie Hall said...

You guys are dolls! Brianne you just started running and you are awesome! What's up with that...

How funny that both of us ran with just our sisters, and they beat us. I guess it keeps me humble. I thought it was so exciting, and now I want to get my whole family out next year. I know my boys would of loved the little kids run, I should of just made everyone get out of bed at the crack of dawn...

Courtney said...

That's awesome! I'm so proud of you and you should be too! You look amazing! Great job!

Natalie said...

You are my hero! I don't love running, but I'm looking forward to being able to do it again soon. I've got big, big plans. :) You can help me!

Brittny said...

I wish I could have been there! It looked like a lot of fun. I love doing races. It just gives you something to work towards. Proud of you Bri!

Sara said...

You did awesome, Bri. Let's do some more soon!! So much better than the dreaded treadmill!!